Sunday 4 July 2010


I was looking at an advert for Blackberry which states, "Closeness has nothing to do with distance". This got me thinking. Distance plays quite a part in my life at the moment. I travel 100 miles everyday to get to and from work. My boyfriend lives 214 miles away. Many of my friends are moving on and moving further away. The small amount of family that I know live either 145 miles away or in Spain (I don't know how many miles away Spain is). The implication that Blackberry makes is that distance is irrelevant because if you have a mobile phone and the internet then you can remain close. Sure, you can talk everyday, e-mail everyday, skype etc etc and be up to date with everything going on in another persons life. However, you only know what they choose or remember to tell you. You can't see what is really going on around them, what they are up to, how they are really feeling. You are contacted when they feel they want to and you contact them when you feel like you want to. There is choice. What about the mundane? What about just hanging out and watching tv or a film together? What about deciding what to have for dinner? What about finishing a rubbish day and just sitting with someone? That's closeness. That's intimacy. That can't be done over e-mail or the phone. I agree Blackberry that the people you value most in your life don't have to be physically near for you to love and appreciate them but I reckon closeness has a lot to do with distance and that's why long distance is hard.

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